Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Setting a Goal

How do I set a goal?  How do I know what my goal should be?  Honestly, I didn't really think too much about what my goal was my first year out, but in hindsight, I should have.  A goal not only gives you something to shoot for, but also helps connect everyone to your child or story.

So, this year I have put more thought into my goal.  Initially, I just said, I want to $5000.  (I know, this sounds like ALOT, please don't be intimidated)  But now, I am carefully selecting my goal.  Last year, we as a team, raised over $3000.  So I know it has to be more than that.  But when I look at the meaning behind my goal, I looked at these options:

$3900, $100 a day for each day my son was in the NICU
$3300, $100 for each week of his gestational age
$5100, $100 for each day of hospital bedrest

This is my family on Mother's Day 2009, three days after my water broke at 28 weeks.  My son wasn't born until weeks.  5.1 weeks on bed rest.  Because I wanted my goal to be significantly more than what we raised last year, I am going with the $5100.

So when people ask me, how can I set a goal?  Or, what should my goal be? I answer, look at your story, follow your heart.  Let your goal tell your story.  Mine does.

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